Conversations with Nature

Dark stormy night. I felt my own presence most powerfully as my existence was echoed back by the mountains sketching the peirar in the apeiron. Thunderous ominous clouds gathered around the sky, waiting for every opportunity to collide with one another. It was then that frequent flashes of lightning made worlds collide. 

"I am more of a mountain person. For me, it's home here. I don't like the sea. I have never seen the sea in real actually. Never left the mountains. For me, its only about going higher up during trekking times. Ah! I love it here. I think I feel foreign to the sea.", he said in a thoughtful manner, with one palm resting on his right cheek and the other hand left carelessly aloof. 

"I am more of a sea person. I love the mountains also. In my world, when the mountains call, the sea responds. They may have different voices or opinions, but they do seem to compliment each other. Sometimes, I hear them resonate too, when agreed on a  single opinion; they laugh out aloud as they sing, 

As above so below
As below so above
One with nature’s halo 
One with spirit’s dove 
As above so below 
As below so above”

They are good friends, always into conversations with one another. They share gifts and special moments during monsoons, when the river intensifies, and carries all the secrets of the mountains to the seas. The deltas are often privileged as she wears the perfume of the earthly mountains. A subtle, soft perfume indeed.”, I said. 

“How can you hear them both? If you are here, you can listen to the mountains. If you are at the shore, you will listen to the sea. How do you do both?” 

“There is knowledge in imagination. You could listen to them both in your imagination.” 
“Come on, you can’t say that it is real. I mean, its just your imagination.”

“Oh! Everything you can imagine is real!”, I quoted Picasso. 

A dense fog suddenly appeared. It seemed to be gradually and slowly moving towards us. In silence, as the clouds whispered their voices, the rain lowered their amplitude, one could hear the movement of the dense fog. This sudden arrival made it’s magnificent presence felt. Demanded our silence. We took a pause in our conversation. 

After a while, the dense fog suddenly disappeared. 

We resumed our conversation. 

“Nature seems to be responding to us. The fog came from the east. It is said that The Gods reside in the east.” 

“Nature. She is beautiful! I love talking to her”, I exclaimed. 

“You considered Nature feminine, what’s masculine for you then?” 

“That which makes a river, a river. That which makes a sea, sea. That which makes the mountain, mountain. That which structures and gives form to nature. That which gives nature, its different colours and distinctness. That which makes the heart say, it’s love”, I said. 

With the word ‘love’, the dense fog suddenly appeared again. It seemed to be gradually and slowly moving towards us, again. In silence, as the clouds whispered their voices, the rain lowered their amplitude, one could hear the movement of the dense fog. This sudden arrival made it’s magnificent presence felt, again and again. Demanded our silence. We took a pause in our conversation. Held our hands out in the air surrounding us. Felt her breath. Touched her, with love. Breathed her in. Worlds collided. Every drop of rain transformed to infinite drops of light!


  1. Keep thinking and writing. It's great to see and feel through your eyes, your mind and thoughts about mother Nature. You are an invisible window in my small office cubicle (somewhere on this Earth).

    God Bless You!



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