Looking through a tainted window

I am looking through a tainted window
Trying to see things as they are
Trying to see myself as I am.

The cook keeps talking of her life at home
“A drunk husband is my gift from life
A mark of that gift colours my scars 
Day and night, I am reminded of life”

The chauffeur keeps talking of his wishes and wants
What ifs and what if nots
“Wish I was rich, then the world could be mine
I could drive the world, the way I want
Crash down anyone who comes my way 
Help the poor, help the needy 
Stain my hands with the blood of the greedy”

The literates keep talking of politics and philosophy 
“This is right and that is wrong
He is cunning and he is a fool 
We know the best, vote for the best 
We know what’s good for the world, yet we know not the world”

The prisoner keeps talking of guilt and innocence
“The police was bought, I say 
Money brought me here 
Behind bars, without sunlight 
Yet I feel sorry for all those that are outside 
Money brought them there
They are too behind bars, without sunlight”

The man at the bar keeps talking of his lost son
“I served the country for I loved my country
I would have given my life for my nation
Now the war is over, now I have no respect 
The country took it all, forgot my love, forgot my existence
And for all that I gave, I lost my son.”

The rain comes crashing down on my window 
Washes away the glass panes
Yet, I am holding on to my tainted window 
Trying to see things as they are

Trying to see myself as I am. 


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