We didn't know

"Come along, Father," he shouted over the sound of the wind rushing past them. 
"Smile, we’ve done it, we’ve escaped and we’re free."
“When my feet are back on solid ground and that island is many, many miles behind us, then you will see me smile,” Daedalus yelled back. “Now, keep your mind on what we have to do and remember, not too high, not too close to the sun.” - The myth of Daedalus and Icarus

Freedom is what we wanted,
We didn’t know what freedom was,
We were looking outward,
We were looking towards the sky.
The Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
The galaxies and beyond.
Escape was the word,
Always escape to freedom.
We forgot, forgot to look inside ourselves.

Happiness is what we wanted,
We didn’t know what happiness was,
We didn’t know it’s a journey.
We were looking forward to it.
Looking forward for a place,
We named it heaven, we named it bliss.
My happiness, your happiness, our happiness.
Destination was the word.
Let’s make it to happiness.
We forgot, forgot that we were there.

We wanted to believe in ourselves.
We didn’t know what belief was,
We didn’t know we breathed it.
We were constructing it, building it, shaping it.
We were creating it. Protecting it. Fighting for it.
Effort was the word.
Let’s create beliefs and compare!
We forgot, forgot that belief is who we are.

We wanted to live.
We didn’t know what life was.
We didn’t know we were living it.

We got tired. We got old. We wanted to die.
We didn’t know what death was.
We didn’t know we were dying.

We wanted to fly higher and higher.
We didn’t know we were flying.
We wanted to fly.


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