
Pieces! Pieces! Broken pieces!
‘Who broke the mirror?’
‘I gave it one blow with my mind and it fell!
Veni Vidi Vici!’
Man spoke in the deep and daunting voice of ego!
Brave man, brave indeed! 

Multitudes rushed to grab their pieces
Largest piece snatched by the businessman 
‘Mine I can break into many more pieces and sell them
More pieces! More money! I am to become rich! What a blessing this is!’
He thought as gold and treasures glittered in his shallow eyes.
Sharpest piece grabbed by the politician
‘Mine is sharper than the blade! I can rule over all nations! I am to become the ruler of all!
The edges of my piece will cut off all who do not obey me!’
He thought as his heart applauded to his thoughts of power.
Scholars ran for the best reflecting one
One said to the other, ‘Mine shows the truth!
Mine shows reality! Mine shows knowledge! Only my piece exists!’
Scientists picked many and broke them further,
Further and further till they became invisible,
Instruments were built, the invisible was broken,
Further and further till they were pieces of pieces of broken pieces;
‘We want to know what it is made of! We want to reveal the pattern and the logic! Then we will know where did it come from! We will understand how it was created. We must continue breaking, all we want is to understand.’
Priests exclaimed, ‘This is an act of our GOD! This is a message from him! We must kill all that do not believe in him! He sent us weapons of destruction of all that do not respect him!’ 

Shattered world and broken pieces,
Amidst chaos of pieces of man, pieces of mind and pieces of heart,
Rivers turned red, skies were painted black, oceans got depressed,
Wind raged and stormed over civilisation,
Melancholy dawned over Earth till land was drowning in
Tears of mothers, tears of children.

Alas! No one came to pick the pieces up!
No one came to reconcile them.
Man could never look at himself,
Mirror was no where to be found,
Pieces of truth, pieces of reality, pieces of faith
At the feet of man, yet
Truth was never revealed, 
Reality concealed herself, 
Faith was chased away by fear,
Ah! Man had lost himself!

All that exists now 
Are pieces, pieces and broken pieces!
‘Who broke the mirror?’

One piece said to the other ‘He did! Arrest him!’


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