Confessions of a Hemophobic

I killed a man once. It felt good after a while of performing this act. A certain sense of relief, a certain kind of strange unknown satisfaction grasped me by my throat. I used to be scared of blood. The sight of even a small amount would make me faint. There are very few things in the world that I hate, fear appears to rank topmost in that list. The world otherwise is very beautiful for me, nature is fascinating and I keep wondering at this perfect geometry of existence. I never disliked any particular person, I am very understanding by nature. I respect perspectives and I never held a grudge on any human being or any element. Never have I had any complains about life. A contented, calm state of mind is something I usually possessed, most of the time. However, such times did not last longer. A sense of fear would snatch away this identity of mine and throw me to a world where I would not recognise myself. Hemophobia wasn’t the only disturbing factor in my lif...