
Showing posts from October, 2017

Law of Singularity: Consciousness

“Why did he run away from his responsibilities?”, asked my uncle. My father when questioned, replied, “Because it is his nature. That is just the way he is. An escapist.” I was sitting in my study room when I over-heard this conversation.  I was looking out of my window, staring blankly at a flower blossoming on a nearby plant. Suddenly, my father’s words echoed in my mind and for some unknown reason, the reason given by him seemed to make some absolute sense. One’s actions and consequences of actions seemed to have a principle cause, which leads to the observed nature of the person. Perception, cognition, behaviours, actions are simply consequences of this principle cause. These thoughts led me to some other realm of thoughts.  If one observes a blossoming flower carefully, one may notice that the space-time occupied by the innermost petal is shared by the space-time of the whole flower. It is the cause-effect relation that is significant in such a mutual relation. Thi

A journey through the labyrinth of 'I'

I was sitting near the river bank. I was staring at the river. Changing waters. Drops of water. The river was going somewhere. I wasn’t sure where. Somewhere it meets the ocean. What’s the difference between the river and the ocean? The form? The structure? But I must know which one is the river and which one is an ocean. I was sitting near the bank, with a journal and a fountain pen.  I think one writes when one is torn between two or more worlds. The bleeding heart manifests itself in words and punctuations. Lost and disordered with this tearing apart, I took my pen to pen down my thoughts on one of the spare pages of my journal. Lost and disordered, I wasn’t sure if I was writing with my pen or my pen was writing with me. Torn apart, one does not recognise oneself. Shredded into pieces, the surviving parts are thrown apart, away from each other. In this manner, I did not know what I was writing, I did not know if I was writing at all, I did not know if it was me that w


Pieces! Pieces! Broken pieces! ‘Who broke the mirror?’ ‘I gave it one blow with my mind and it fell! Veni Vidi Vici!’ Man spoke in the deep and daunting voice of ego! Brave man, brave indeed!  Multitudes rushed to grab their pieces Largest piece snatched by the businessman  ‘Mine I can break into many more pieces and sell them More pieces! More money! I am to become rich! What a blessing this is!’ He thought as gold and treasures glittered in his shallow eyes. Sharpest piece grabbed by the politician ‘Mine is sharper than the blade! I can rule over all nations! I am to become the ruler of all! The edges of my piece will cut off all who do not obey me!’ He thought as his heart applauded to his thoughts of power. Scholars ran for the best reflecting one One said to the other, ‘Mine shows the truth! Mine shows reality! Mine shows knowledge! Only my piece exists!’ Scientists picked many and broke them further, Further and further till they became i