
Showing posts from December, 2020

Smothering Understandings

  Since morning, my sister has been talking a lot about  understanding  things. I was puzzled why she would take so much effort, take a flight from another state during these pandemic times with the sole purpose of seeing me. Well, of course, she loves me. Love, of course. For a very long time, I had imagined love is the driving force for everything in this world. So yes, love...of course. She said she needs clarity to find her own path. She said I am the most  lost  person she has ever known. She said it is an irony that she comes to the most  lost  person to find answers concerning clarity and paths, but it is true. She said it is mostly about  understanding . Based on  understanding,  she spoke of stability, of long-term, of certainty, of knowledge, of spirituality, of calmness. Upon such a whirlwind of words, she seemed to be building castles of salvation. This time I did not just speak. I listened to myself as I uttered many words of  not understanding.  I wondered if that is what